
Melissa Baron is a romance author represented by Laura Cameron and Lisa Rambert at Transatlantic Agency. Her debut novel, TWICE IN A LIFETIME, was published in December 2022 by Alcove Press. She lives in Chicago with her husband and two cats, Denali and Mango.

woman smiling with a tree and fall leaves in the background
Photo credit: Michael Yoeung

Her novels dabble in speculative fiction, romance, and fantasy, with a dash of paranormal and horror. Her favorite genres to read include fantasy, horror, romance, sci-fi, and YA. She has a particular love for poetry of all kinds, and the writers who have influenced her the most are K.A. Applegate, Stephen King, Toni Morrison, Maggie Stiefvater, Tananarive Due, Catherynne M. Valente, Arundhati Roy, and Shirley Jackson.

When Mel is not writing novels, she is traveling with her husband and indulging in literary tourism wherever she can. She is extremely introverted and prone to heaping amounts of anxiety, and her go-to soothing activities are making music playlists and playing Skyrim or BG3. She likes to boulder, hike, and play tennis, and has a blast exploring her own backyard, because Chicago is one of the the greatest cities on earth.