road covered in leaves in autumn

A Bookish Coastal U.S. Road Trip: I-95

Welcome to the third installment in the cross-country bookish road trip series! So far, we’ve traveled coast-to-coast along I-90, crossed mountains and rivers in the heart of the country on I-70, and now I’m taking you down the east coast using interstate 95. This is the perfect road to travel during the fall months, because not only will you get some gorgeous fall foliage in the northeastern portion of the trip, you’ll get to see some chilling, creepy bookish sights along the way.

As always, I’ll keep you along I-95 and all suggested detours will only take you one hour (one way) or less from the main route. This is not an exhaustive list; goodness knows there’s more literary goodness than you can shake a stick at along the eastern coast. Consider this list the highlights reel, and add bookish destinations to your itinerary as you please!

This route begins in Maine and runs all the way down to the very tip of Florida. That’s over 1,700 miles of highway across 13 states. You’ll notice that I-95 goes by a few different names along the way, but it’s the same road from Bangor to the Florida Keys. Travelers, this is going to be a good one. Buckle up, grab some snacks for the road, and let’s see what literary destinations I-95 has in store for us.


Want to give this road trip a try? You can find all of the bookish stops along I-95 on the travel app Out Of Office, which lets you easily plan trips of all kinds. Download the app here!

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